* EOB - Explanation of benefits
* COB - Co-ordination of Benefits
* MSP - Medicare as a Secondary Payer
* POS - Place of service
* TOS - Type of Service
* DOS - Date of service
* ICD - 9 -International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
* HCPCS - Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
* CPT - Current procedural Terminology
* RBRVS - The Resource Based Relative Value Scale
* RVU - Relating Value Unit
* CHAMPUS - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
* CHAMPVA - Civilian Health and Medical Program for the Veteran Administration
* EIN - Employer Identification Number
* ESRD - End-Stage Renal Disease
* FICA - Federal Insurance Contributions Act
* HICN - Health Insurance Claim Number
* OBRA - The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
* CF - Conversion Factor
* EGHP - Employer Group Health Plan
* QMB - Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries
* UCR - Usual, customary and reasonable
* PCP - primary care physician
* HMO - Health Maintenance Organization
* PPO - Preferred Provider Organization
* TPA - Third Party Administrators